Sponsorship Terms & Conditions.
The policy of Scottish Continuity (referred to as SC or the “organisation”) is to accept sponsorship from selected organisations and businesses in accordance with the conditions and guidelines set out below.
1. These guidelines apply to all SC activities.
2. Sponsorship is defined as "the donation of funds, goods or services to support activities of the organisation and for which the sponsor may expect some publicity".
3. Support through sponsorship to enhance the services the organisation can provide will be welcomed, provided it does not compromise the impartiality or damage the reputation of SC, or give rise to any such perception.
4. It should be understood that sponsorship is an opportunity to support the work of SC, and in particular to seek support for, provide information about, or promote debate in relation to registration and celebratory services functions.
5. Where the sponsor or associated company/organisation is engaged in activities which may be considered controversial or sensitive sponsorship will only be accepted with the express consent of the SC Board.
6. The sponsor must:
• adhere to the principles of fair trading;
• abide by any statutory or voluntary Code of Practice appropriate to their trade, industry or profession;
• support equality of opportunity and human rights.
7. The sponsor must NOT:
• infer that SC endorses their products or services; or
• try to use the sponsorship to circumvent restrictions/prohibitions on advertising goods or services;
• use the SC logos without permission.
8. While it is accepted that legitimate business will have a commercial interest in offering sponsorship, there should be a well-intentioned reason on their part for seeking to provide support for any activities of the organisation.
9. Sponsors will usually seek to maximise publicity, therefore care should be taken to ensure a correct balance is maintained between their needs and the aims of SC in pursuing any particular event or activity.
10. Care should be taken when approaching individuals or organisations to ensure that there is no feeling of obligation to provide sponsorship for SC.
11. Preferential treatment must never be afforded to sponsors, beyond that agreed in the package.
12. Those involved in negotiating sponsorship should be aware that they may be committing SC to a contractual relationship which may have legal implications.
13. Any questions or queries about sponsorship or the terms and conditions should be directed to secretary@scottishcontinuity.com.
End of Sponsorship Terms and Conditions.