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Operational Resilience Webinar

The topic of Operational Resilience in the Financial Sector was raised at the last Resilient Scotland Conference (Feb 2024). We knew then that we needed to host an event dedicated to Operational Resilience.

And we are so glad we did. With a record number of our members attending, our fantastic expert panel – Carolyn Gall – Head of Resilience at Phoenix Group, Jon Seaton – Deputy Head of Resilience at Close Brothers, Kenny MacKay – Operational Resilience Lead at M&G - gave excellent presentations, sharing their knowledge and experience, and answering member questions. It was simply a brilliant event.

A huge THANK YOU to Carolyn, Jon, and Kenny. Thanks also to Michelle French-Fraser for facilitating such a brilliant session and to all our members who attended.

Here is a PDF of the slides used during the event. Our thanks again to the panellists for agreeing to share them publicly.

Scottish Continuity could not hold such quality Education & Awareness events or our Annual Conference without the support of such experts. We are a not-for-profit group, run by volunteers, who are dedicated to raising the collective resilience knowledge and experiences of our members. If you are interested in being a speaker at any of our events or have a topic you would like included, please contact Even if you have never spoken at an event before, we have loads of experience and can guide you, if needed.

Roll on our 30th Anniversary Annual Conference on Tuesday 25th February 2025. We can’t wait to share our plans. If you have not signed up yet, you’d better get a move on, tickets are being snapped up? Read more here.

28 August

‘Virtual’ Breakfast Briefing

29 November

Extreme Weather Webinar with Robbie Macdonald, SEPA